FAQs about BCBA Supervised Fieldwork
September 2, 2023 2023-09-03 19:26FAQs about BCBA Supervised Fieldwork

FAQs about BCBA Supervised Fieldwork
The beginning stages of supervision for an aspiring BCBA can be full of questions. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board has built in a lot of flexibility but that can lead to some confusion. As a part of the supervisory relationship, I provide guidance and support to navigate a wide range of questions and circumstances, and together we will walk through the realities of your fieldwork experience, so you don’t have to figure it out all alone.
Here are a few of the questions you might have as you start the supervision journey:
Q: When can I start my fieldwork supervision?
A: You can begin your fieldwork as soon as you begin your qualifying behavior-analytic coursework. (You must have actually begun the classes, enrollment does not count.) You can also wait until you have progressed into your coursework or even until you have completed your coursework.
Q: Who can I consider a client?
A: A client can be anyone who receives behavior-analytic services from you, in any setting, as long as you are not related and not employed by them.
Q: What are restricted fieldwork hours?
A: Restricted hours are accrued through the delivery of behavioral analytic services directly to a client. This includes direct instruction and therapy.
Q: What are unrestricted fieldwork hours?
A: These are day-to-day type of BCBA activities and tasks, such as conducting observations, collecting data, graphing data, creating and conducting training for staff on behavioral programs, conducting behavioral assessments, meeting with clients about behavioral programs or progress, and researching literature relevant to a current client’s needs. This is generally not work that is directly delivering services to a client.
Q: What percentage of my hours need to be unrestricted?
A: At least 60% of the total fieldwork hours (this doesn’t have to a monthly average, it is overall) needs to come from unrestricted activities.
Q: How long do I have to complete my fieldwork hours?
A: Fieldwork must accrued within 5 consecutive years, but can be done in different settings or as a combination of part and full time. It’s okay to take breaks during those 5 years.
Q: Do I have to stay with the same supervisor for my entire fieldwork experience?
A: No. You can change supervisors as long as each supervisor has the competencies to supervise you in the work you are doing, and has met the supervision requirements.